Benefits Of Retin A

Tretinoin For Wrinkles

Tretinoin For Wrinkles: The Best Anti-Aging Cream

We all want to look younger, feel pretty and have glowing, smooth skin and many of us are willing to pay the price in attempt to get it! But you don’t really have to. Tretinoin (or Retin A) is proven to reduce wrinkles, tone your skin and give you that youthful glow- all for about $20 a tube!

The anti-aging industry is huge. It seems like every other week, there’s a new miracle cream promising to get rid of your wrinkles, revealing youthful, glowing skin! And so, we open our wallets, happily paying any price we can with the hopes of getting back the skin we used to have in our 20s.

Tretinoin, also known as Retin A, is the only cream backed by science to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and give you back your glow. And it’s only about $20. It’s one of my secret beauty tips for a clear, glowing face!

If you are using tretinoin and notice dry, flaky skin I recommend slugging skincare, but only on evenings when you aren’t applying tretinoin.

If you’ve noticed dull skin, fine lines or even (gasp) deep wrinkles, Tretinoin can help all that! If you have oily skin, acne, clogged pores and uneven skin tone, tretinoin can help you too! Is there really anything it can’t do?

It has helped me get smooth, glowing skin at a fraction of the cost and inconvenience of needles or surgical treatments! Always talk to your doctor before trying any prescription medication! Tretinoin is the only cream proven to make your skin look younger, without surgery or expensive treatments!

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Where To Buy Tretinoin For Wrinkles, Online Without A Prescription

You can buy tretinoin online without a prescription from, which is what I’m currently doing especially since the pandemic. It costs about $20 a bottle, but if you get 3 tubes you get a discount.

Shop Tretinoin Cream:

Retin A 0.025

Retin A 0.05

How To Use Tretinoin For Wrinkles

The best way to use tretinoin for wrinkles is to start off with the lowest concentration of tretinoin- 0.025% and only use a few times a week. It’s important to start off slowly to avoid flaking and irritation. I stayed on the lowest concentration for years, so work your way up SLOWLY!

Only apply a small, pea sized amount for your entire face AT NIGHT ONLY. If your skin reacts with peeling or increased sensitivity, cut back on your application days and load up on a good moisturizer.

Always, ALWAYS wear an SPF during the day when you’re using tretinoin in your routine as it does increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun!

Note: It takes a few months to see results so don’t give up! Give it time!

And you will likely peel in the beginning while your skin adjusts. This is normal and will likely subside. Use a good moisturizer twice a day and cut back to once or twice a week if the peeling gets really bad.

Gentle exfoliation and a good moisturizer can really help with the peeling effects of tretinoin!

There are two formulas available- cream and gel. Cream is good for dryer skin and gel is great for oily skin.

There are 3 different strengths- 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1. Always start with the lowest strength and stay on it until you feel like your skin can tolerate a stronger formula.

Tretinoin is not for everyone. Some people just flat out can’t tolerate it and should instead try a retinol, which is a Retin A derivative.

What I Use

Tretinoin 0.05 is what I’m currently using from But I have been using this miracle cream since my early 20s. My doc originally prescribed it to me for oily skin and breakouts! I was originally prescribed the gel formula and at .025 strength. The gel is great for oily skin and the cream is good for dryer types and aging skin. I had no idea that I was actually preventing wrinkles all along! Thank you doctor!

Stop Buying The Expensive, Hype Anti-Aging Products

Try Tretinoin For Wrinkles

If you’re like me, you’ve probably wasted thousands a year on products trying to smooth out the fine lines around your mouth while also getting rid of oiliness and occasional pimples. My skin is stuck somewhere in between acting young and old, and being oily and dry. Lucky me.

With each new beautifully packaged and ridiculously over-priced product, you end up with skin that looks better at first but after a while you’re dealing with the same damn skin problems.

There’s only one face cream that boasts crystal-clear evidence that it works to prevent and treat signs of aging. But that’s not all, Tretinoin is also used to treat acne and other skin problems. The amazing benefits of Retin A are backed by science and by me:) Source.

What Is Tretinoin?

Tretinoin, or Retin A, is a form of Vitamin A, and it helps speed up your skin’s renewal process- revealing smoother, fresher skin! An extensive study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, clearly shows the benefits of tretinoin – source

Tretonion, which is the form of Retin A that I use, has the ability to significantly repair collagen, as well as prevent collagen depression. In the study I mentioned above, there was also significant improvement of photo-aged skin. If that’s not enough, it gives you that Hollywood hype ‘rosy glow’ everyone wants! The group using the Retin A noted having glowy skin, and that was not reported in the other group.

The study went on to show marked improvement in fine wrinkles, coarse wrinkles, skin texture, sallowness, and skin thickness.

All this improvement within 6 months. How amazing! It’s like Botox and a facial, without the hefty price tag and poky needles.

The Benefits Of Tretinoin For Wrinkles Before And After

If you search google, you’ll find tons of tretinoin before and after photos that show remarkable improvement in acne, aging, oily skin and more. The benefits of tretinoin are enjoyed by many people of all ages!

You should also check out the rave reviews on where, at the time this article was published in 2019, it maintains a 4.8 out of 5 star rating.

If you’re still skeptical, let me tell you my skin story:)

How I Discovered Tretinoin

I discovered this fountain of youth by accident. I was in my early 20s, but my skin didn’t get the memo as I was still plagued with the acne and oily skin issues of my teen years.

My obsession with skin care began in my teens. With my first paycheck, I headed right to the local drug store and bought 3 different face washes, scrubs and pimple cream. I wasn’t always blessed with (near) perfect skin. I once had a break out so bad no amount of 90’s Spackle concealer could cover the bumpy, red disaster.

How My Skin Reacted!

Oily and acne prone skin left me frustrated and desperate for a solution. I scoured the internet for answers and tried everything I could get my hands on from Clean and Clear to Oxy and more. It all made my skin dry, but oily at the same time and yet I still suffered breakouts. I felt depressed, so I called my doctor hoping she could refer me to a dermatologist so I could get my hands on the strong stuff. I remember I was hoping she would recommend accutane. Accutane is an oral retinoid, and works similar to Retin A but has a lot of side effects because it is so strong. I’ve also heard that accutane can have negative affects on your mental health, so in the end I’m glad she never recommended it and prescribed something so much better.

She prescribed me tretinoin. It was a clear gel called tretinoin 0.025 that I applied at night, a few times a week. At first, I’ll admit, it was a disaster. My skin became extremely flaky, red and irritated. I almost gave up. My doctor suggested I cut back my applications to just once or twice a week and use a thick, heavy moisturizer. I never used moisturizer as a teen/young adult because my skin was oily and I didn’t want to exacerbate the issue. But cutting back on the frequency and moisturizing was the answer! My skin improved, drastically!

Smooth, Glowy Skin

I remember after a few weeks, I woke up and looked in the mirror and for the first time in a long time, I liked what I saw. My skin was so smooth and clear. It had that glow I spent a small fortune trying to achieve for years.

I went to my doctor and told her she could never ever stop giving me this stuff. I was 21, and I haven’t stopped using it since. Even though I don’t suffer from oily breakouts anymore, it turns out there are more benefits of tretinoin than I initially expected.

It’s also a powerful anti-aging product. I did switch solutions, from the gel to the cream, which is better as you age. I also bumped up my strength from 0.025 to retin a 0.05 percent. The exact name I use is tretinoin and I can’t stress this enough- only use a pea-sized amount and start slowly!

Use Sunscreen

It’s very important to take some precautions. Always use your prescription as recommended by your doctor. My doctor advised me to only use a small pea sized amount 2-3 times a week. And always use a sunscreen.

Tretinoin makes your skin more susceptible to sun damage, so never ever ever use it during the day time! Always at night! And always use sun protection during the day:)

This sunscreen is the only one I’ve found that works well under makeup. It leaves no white cast whatsoever, and doesn’t dry me out or cause me to be an oil slick mid-day. It’s also under $15 and is SPF 50! When using Retin A, I would recommend using at least SPF 30. If you haven’t heard, Asian sunscreens are way better than American formulas – Source.

I would also highly recommend a good hydrating face cream for sensitive skin. Dr Jart’s Ceremidin is formulated for even the most sensitive skin. Dr. Jart uses a Ceramide 3 complex to your repair skin and provide time-released moisture. It’s the only cream that got me through the flaky periods and I still use it every morning and night as I love the plump feeling it provides!

The Difference Between Retinol And Retin A

Retin A/Tretinoin is super cheap, when obtained through your doctor or dermatologist or through

You’ve probably heard of retinol, a less potent derivative of Retin A. It’s more expensive and less effective, but it can be a great way to start using the product. Jumping right in to the prescription strength formula can lead to extreme dryness, flaky and irritation, especially if you have sensitive skin. Starting off with a low-low dose and using adequate moisturizer can help prevent that. Many people don’t realize there’s a difference between Retin A and retinol. Check out this article, highlighting retin a vs retinol –

If your skin can’t tolerate tretinoin, maybe consider trying a retinol.

If you’re going to start with a retinol, I recommend these Rodial Retinol Drops, they’re a little pricey at $89 but they’re lovely. They’re a gentle and very effective way to start your retin routine without the flakiness and irritation that can come with prescription Retin A!

And I’m sure you’ve heard of SkinCeuticals? They’re Retinol 0.5 is AHHHMAZING if you’re not going to go with the prescription strength at first.

If you are buying through Kiss and Makeupny, use code KISSME10 for 10 percent off at the checkout!

Now remember, there is a difference between RETINOL and RETIN A. Retin A can only be prescribed by a doctor and is very strong stuff. You should always start off with the lowest dose- Retin A or Tretinoin 0.025 and for the love of your skin, only use a pee sized amount!

Then after 6 months if your skin can tolerate it well enough you can bump up to 0.05.

Retinol on the other hand, is weaker but still a great place to start, and is available almost anywhere:)

Porcelain Skin… At Last

People often comment on my skin, and mistake me for early 20s. They even refer to my skin as porcelain-like. I’ll admit, part of me wanted to keep this little skin miracle a secret and though some of it is probably good genes as well, I will continue to use Retin A as long as I live.

If you wanna get your hands on Tretinoin or any other form of Retin A you should ask your doctor or dermatologist if it’s right for you:)

Wrapping It Up: Tretinoin For Wrinkles

Always seek the advice of a doctor before trying any drugs or medication. Avoid Retin A products if you are pregnant or nursing. I hope you find out out for yourself, the awesome benefits of tretinoin for wrinkles and how it can change your face without having to take drastic measures!

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


  1. […] as much makeup:) If you really want to glow, but struggle with acne or wrinkles, check out what retin a can do for […]

  2. […] Forget Botox And Nip Tuck! Try Retin A First! […]

  3. […] out my recent post for more benefits of retin a. But be careful because it does make your skin more prone to sun damage and can make your skin […]

  4. […] C and Retin A work for nearly all skin types, except super sensitive skin! They both work to exfoliate your skin […]

  5. […] C and Retin A work for nearly all skin types, except super sensitive skin! They both work to exfoliate your […]

  6. Steph, you are doing amazing work! Thanks for sharing your wonderful posts ❤️. Just want to add my 2 cents. After having used some anti-aging creams for years I decided to move on and I got Tretinoin Cream 0.02%. Just for anti-aging. I have dry, sensitive Rosacean skin and I can’t tolerate many actives so I knew there was a possibility my skin would not like Retin-A. However, knowing it’s the best anti-aging treatment out there, I just wanted to try and see. So happy 😊 I Googled ‘Ret247get’ and got it. I really love my Tretinoin Cream. It works and it’s cheap. I’d say don’t waste $$ on overhyped and ineffective “anti-aging” creams. Try Tretinoin but be very careful. Vitamin A acid is very powerful and you really have to build up very slowly. Be patient. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Tretinoin doesn’t work overnight and it isn’t a miracle worker. It takes at least 1-2 months to notice real benefits. Last but not least: it’s not for everyone. Some people just cannot tolerate it so they would have to use other anti-aging treatments/actives like vitamin C. And/or another form of Vitamin A like Retinol or Retinaldehyde. Maybe less potent, but still effective.

  7. […] Tretinoin is the only cream that is scientifically proven to reduce wrinkles, even out your skin tone and give you a glow! And it’s only about $20 a tube. Read my post about how to use Tretinoin For Wrinkles. […]

  8. […] Be sure to check out How To Be Pretty and Tretinoin For Wrinkles. […]

  9. […] Another of my holy grail skin care products is tretinoin for wrinkles. […]

  10. […] Another amazing product for wrinkles is tretinoin. […]

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