Manifestation and Law of Attraction

Morning Affirmations For Success

31 Positive Morning Affirmations For Success & Positive Energy

Positive morning affirmations for success and positive energy can shape how your day goes.

These affirmations take just minutes to add in to your busy morning routine, yet they can make a HUGE difference in how you feel ALL DAY.

How you start your day, is a big determining factor in how the rest of your day will go.

Starting your day out feeling frazzled, cranky, and overwhelmed isn’t good for anyone. Imagine waking up feeling mentally and physically ready to conquer the day? I used to wake up feeling tired and stressed out. I took action, started planning ahead, changed my mindset using morning affirmations for success and positive energy, and my life began to change.

Something as simple as taking notice of your mindset in the morning and doing little things to feel alive and happy like diffusing uplifting essential oils and reading positive affirmations can really set the tone for how your entire day will play out.

By focusing on a positive mindset in the morning, you’re more likely to have a good day. Positive energy = a high vibrational energy that allows you to attract what you want in life, so how you start your day is sooo important.

Let’s look at some simple ways to start your day off right.

Here are some other amazing affirmations to start your day: Affirmations for self love and affirmations for money. Children can also benefit from reading positive affirmations. Share these affirmations for kids with your little ones to encourage a more positive, healthy mind.

How Morning Affirmations Work

I used to be anything but a morning person. I would hit the snooze button and sleep in until the very last second. I would wake up and have to rush! Most mornings I started my day off in a bad mood.

I wanted to become a morning person, but I wasn’t sure I could. I loved the peace of the night time, when the house is quiet and I finally get some time to myself. But, there is something very magical about the morning time. And unlike the night, a morning ritual will set the tone for your entire day.

Just watch how much better your day goes after you wake up with a positive morning routine. Routines make things better and easier! And this little routine, only takes about 10 extra minutes, but will have a huge impact on your life!

IN A RUSH? Just take one extra minute to read a few positive affirmations before you do anything.

Add Positive Affirmations For Success To Your Morning!

A simple solution to make things a whole lot less stressful is to create a morning ritual for yourself that you perform each and every day.

I like to begin each morning with a thank you to the universe for another wonderful day. Focus on your mindset and how you feel right away, each morning. And, do little things to help you start your day feeling your best!

The Key Is To Start The Night Before

It’s also a good idea to think ahead, before you go to bed. I know you’re exhausted and feeling unmotivated by 7 p.m. (I know I am) but forcing yourself to tidy up a bit and get outfits and lunches ready the night before can really make things easier in the morning! And remember- how your morning goes, affects how the rest of your day will go!

The morning is a fresh start because your mind sort of re-sets. Take this time to create a positive day ahead! It’ll change how you feel about mornings. I started waking up an hour before my alarm even goes off and I get excited to start my morning routine. I never ever thought that would happen!

Let’s talk about how a good morning routine can set the tone for a calm day. Use the morning to reset your mindset and start every day off right!

How To Add Morning Affirmations To Your Routine

A morning routine is a series of actions you take every morning to help set the tone for your day. It’s a type of self-care that allows you to begin each day feeling energized, relaxed, and purposeful.

Morning routines are personal and unique. They usually involve activities meant to calm or revive such as writing in a journal, meditating, exercising, or creating a to-do list. Whatever a morning routine consists of, the purpose is to help the individual feel prepared for – and in charge of – their day.

Include morning affirmations for success in your daily routine to reset your mind for a positive day. It only takes a few moments to really change your whole day. 

Taking time for yourself on a regular basis, particularly at the start of the day, will also help to improve your outlook and your coping skills. The sense of calm and control gained through your morning routine will carry over into the rest of your day, maintaining your mood as you encounter obstacles and in your dealings with others.

If you add things like a healthy breakfast and exercise to your new routine, you’ll also face the day more energized and ready to go.

Positive Morning Affirmations For Success & Positive Energy

Wake up just a few minutes before everyone else so you can read these morning affirmations to start your day with peace and with intention.

I am creating a habit of taking a quiet pause each morning before launching myself out into the world.

It’s going to be a great day.

I’m grateful for the bed I have, and for the roof over my head.

Each morning, as the sun is rising above the clouds, I stop and reflect on my life.

With the first breath I inhale, I am thankful for everything I have.

My mind immediately focuses on the good things in my life.

I am thankful that I have a family.

I am energized and ready to make a difference.

I choose love instead of fear or worry.

I give thanks because I am needed and wanted.

My life counts and I matter to others.

I start every day full of thanks.

Beginning this way gives me strength to face the day.

I have everything I need to win the day.

I am open to all of the possibilities coming my way today.

I choose to be happy and find the joy in whatever comes my way.

My heart, spirit, and soul are prepared for the unknown.

With a thankful heart, I am off to a great start.

Awakening my soul first thing in the morning helps me to stay in touch with it throughout the day.

During the day, I find it easier for things to speak to my soul because it has already been awakened.

My thoughts are filled with possibility.

My heart is healthy.

My priorities are in order.

I choose peace instead of anger.

My spirit is light and calm.

All is well in my life!

Taking a moment to reflect each morning helps me to face the world with a positive attitude.

I can rise above any situation that tries to darken my day .

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I start my day?
  2. What am I thankful for?
  3. How does having a thankful heart
    change my outlook on life

After Reading Morning Affirmations

Besides the obvious brushing your teeth, washing your face and some strong coffee, the rest of your morning routine should be tailored to activities that you choose and from which you will most benefit. You’ll want to consider adding things that will nourish your soul and that are particularly meaningful to you.

I do have some suggestions to get you started, though:

Light it up. Start with light! Turn on the lights, open the blinds and let the light wake you up naturally!

Notice your mindset. How do you feel? What can you do to improve your mood?

Journal. If you have a few minutes, try morning journaling. Here are 11 types of journals for personal development to try! Those in self-help circles often call this practice “morning pages.” Writing about your thoughts and feelings can be quite cathartic and healing.

Scripting for the law of attraction is also a great way to start your day and manifest what you want!

Splash your face with cold water. This will help wake you up, refresh your skin and give you a glow. It also closes your pores.

Give thanks. It’s a great idea to take note of a few things you’re thankful for that day! This sets the tone for a grateful day with positive energy!

Exercise. Do some yoga or go for a leisurely stroll. The extent of the workout doesn’t matter. It’s moving your body that creates energy. Taking your movement outside can add calm and perspective.

Meditation. Try starting the day with 10 minutes of meditation! That’s what I always do as soon as I wake up.

Diffuse. Diffuse an uplifting blend of essential oils. It is a proven fact that scent affects your mood and so allow yourself to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy as you start your day!

Start the night before. Some people even start their morning routine the night before, by writing down a tentative to-do list and schedule for the following day. This might seem a bit over-the-top, but it truly can help to release the tension of uncertainty by providing you with a framework for the day ahead.

For more ideas, check out my post on Daily Habits For A Healthy Life!

Wrapping Up: Morning Affirmations

These are just a few ideas. Add whatever resonates with your spirit. Plan to take about a half hour, more or less depending on your lifestyle. The key to reaping the benefits of a morning routine is to make it a regular practice. Once you being a routine with meditation and morning affirmations, you’ll begin to see your life transform.

Morning affirmations for success and positive energy

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


  1. […] A good morning routine takes a little effort to develop, but it pays off big time. A morning routine can give you that great start, every day, like clockwork. Everyone should start their day with positive morning affirmations. […]

  2. […] they encourage your mind! Don’t just think it though, say it out loud over and over. Try these morning affirmations to start your day off […]

  3. […] this motivating morning routine for a successful day! And be sure to use these morning affirmations to help kick start your […]

  4. Thank you! Morning routine is a blessing, as it affects our entire day, so it is so useful to nourish it and put the intention and attention there!

  5. very nice collections of morning affirmations, thanks for sharing this awesome post.

  6. […] Start your day off right with morning affirmations. […]

  7. […] reading these morning affirmations instead of scrolling through your […]

  8. […] can immediately change how you feel. Try it with these confidence affirmations for self esteem, morning affirmations and self love […]

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  10. […] check out Affirmations For Self Love, morning affirmations and Inspiring Self Worth […]

  11. […] Creative Ways To Say I Love You Without Saying It Morning Affirmations For Success […]

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  15. […] even strangers. Or you could use them for yourself like an affirmation. We also recommend reading positive morning affirmations for success and these self care affirmations ! Add them to your healthy daily routine for a motivated […]

  16. […] Or Practice Affirmations: i like to start my day with morning affirmations to set tge tone for the day ahead. Affirmations are positive statements that you can say to […]

  17. […] For a positive start to your day, we recommend reading these morning affirmations! […]

  18. […] like to read positive morning affirmations as a way to start my day. I also include affirmations on my manifestation board to manifest […]

  19. […] Try to embody the person you want to become- the HAPPY PERSON! Read affirmations for self love and start your day with morning affirmations. […]

  20. […] we recommend that you say them out loud, with conviction. You can also try reading these morning affirmations to start your day off on a positive note. Repeat them to yourself throughout the day, or even […]

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