Health and Wellness

Healthy Daily Routine For Mind And Body

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body

Your daily habits and routines make up a big part of your life and your happiness! Creating healthy daily habits and routines that benefit you instead of stress you out, will contribute to a healthy mind and body! Here are some simple suggestions to add to your daily routine for a healthy mind and body.

Sometimes we let ourselves get in the habit of rushing through things and being mindless. This behaviour puts your life on default. It’s more important than ever, to be present and live in the moment. Check out these live in the moment quotes.

You can’t change your life until you change your daily routine.

I love this quote:

When we create a healthy daily routine and practice good habits, we no longer overthink everything. We simply do the things we need to do! And when we focus on the results we want, instead of the work needed, the work feels easier and you keep your eye on the prize!

Our success doesn’t come from one big change. It comes from making small, positive changes in our day-to-day lives. Choose to be happy, productive and motivated. Choose to have a positive mindset, spend your money mindfully and eat to nourish your body, rather than comfort it.

Be sure to check out my post about setting intentions to dramatically improve your life!

We’ve covered multi-tasking and discovered how it’s actually better in so many ways to focus on one thing at a time, instead. You’ll enhance your sense of peace when you can give your full attention to what you’re doing and live in the moment. Another thing that aids in happiness is to embrace habits and routines. Creating rituals throughout your day can provide you with all sorts of benefits.

Try this motivating morning routine for a successful day! And be sure to use these morning affirmations to help kick start your mindset!

Read on to discover them for yourself.

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Roles Understood

When you engage in regular habits, particularly among groups like family or co-workers, those involved in these routines begin to understand their expected role. There can be some peace of mind in this type of understanding. Having a general idea of what is expected of you or what you will be doing is reassuring. 

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Fewer Miscommunications

Again, when everyone knows the part they play in regular routines, there are fewer miscommunications. Everyone is on the same page, and things get done in a relatively efficient and timely manner. 

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Better Performance

In addition, habits and routine can lead to better performance, for the most part. With enhanced communication and anticipated roles, people can smoothly move through their daily tasks in a way that requires less thought. Fewer mistakes lead to a superior end result or product. 

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Enhanced Prioritizing

Prioritizing helps to ensure your day goes great and that the important things get done. Having a regular routine in place makes it easier to add those important things into your day. When you already know what to expect, making a few shifts in order to accommodate important stuff really isn’t as big of a deal.

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Sense of Security

Habit and routine give a great sense of security. This helps eliminate much of the unknown. When you can ease into a regular routine and take part in activities on an anticipated schedule, it just feels comforting. Again, this is especially true among groups, but it also applies to you as an individual. 

Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body: Less Stress 

When striving for added calm in your life, try adding some regular habits or routines you can count on. You’ll be surprised at just how much stress this will eliminate for you. All of the reasons above combined result in this final benefit.

Knowing what’s expected of you, avoiding arguments or mistakes due to miscommunications, being able to attend to the most important activities, and feeling secure all result in the elimination of stress in your life.

That’s something we all want, isn’t it?!

Here are some routine and habit ideas for you to try! You don’t have to do them ALL, but adopt a few at a time and watch how your life changes!

Healthy Daily Routine For Happiness & Health:

  • Wake up 20 minutes before everyone else
  • Make your bed
  • Create a budget and STICK TO IT
  • Put a little money away each month for savings
  • Eat mindfully, to nourish your body instead of comfort it
  • Remind yourself to live your day mindfully! Get off of autopilot
  • Set your intentions for the day. How do you want this day to go
  • Journal, but write it every day as if it’s already true! It’s called scripting! Read more about that here- Law of attraction journal
  • Drink a glass of lemon water
  • Write down 5 things you are grateful for
  • Write down 3 things you love about yourself
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Spend 10 minutes in meditation
  • Move your body for 10 minutes
  • Organize the day ahead and DO THE HARDEST TASKS, FIRST
  • Eat a healthy, high vibe breakfast
  • Do a random act of kindness
  • Take the stairs
  • Hydrate throughout the day
  • Grab a healthy lunch
  • Sneak in a little exercise
  • Prioritize the remainder of your day
  • ENJOY a healthy dinner
  • Clean up before bed
  • Make some SMART goals
  • Set aside a few minutes to write down your passions in life, your feelings or whatever makes you feel good
  • Take some time to relax
  • Plan ahead for the next day
  • Read 5 pages of a good book
  • Go to bed at a decent hour
  • If you work out in the morning, set out your workout equipment and clothing the night before
  • Wipe down your bathroom after your shower. The bathroom is wet and easy to clean!
  • Make to do lists, but instead of the tasks, write down the results you want!
  • Do the hard things first
  • Create (and stay on) a mindful budget
  • Plan your day the night before

Wrapping Up: Daily Routine For A Healthy Mind And Body

Hopefully, knowing the benefits of a healthy daily routine for a healthy, happy mind and body can help motivate you to take action and make some changes in your own daily life. Give it a try to see just how much happier and healthier you are!

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


  1. […] Be Happier. I make it a point to start my day with reminders of why I love my life. Enjoying the moments and being grateful makes you a happier, healthier person. Your daily routine makes up most of your life, so why not add these little tips to make your habits and routines a little more enjoyable- Daily Routine For A Happier Life! […]

  2. Great, drink a glass lemon water is very refreshing and of course for health.

  3. […] For more ideas, check out my post on Daily Habits For A Healthy Life! […]

  4. […] Healthy daily routine for mind and body […]

  5. […] worries and doubts, and instead think of yourself in a positive way. Adding journaling to your healthy daily routine will help build your emotional intelligence and […]

  6. Thank you so much, Steph. Yes, we have to avoid living our life on default. Great points to follow by everyone who care of them.

    1. Thanks James! A healthy routine is so important!

  7. […] Make getting outside for a little movement a part of your daily healthy routine. […]

  8. […] Healthy Daily Routine For Mind And Body […]

  9. […] Couples can do all sorts of hobbies together, like boardgames, video games, cooking, hiking, fitness, gardening and more! Physical activities are also a great addition to your healthy routine. […]

  10. […] positive morning affirmations for success and these self care affirmations ! Add them to your healthy daily routine for a motivated […]

  11. […] I have a healthy daily routine. […]


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