Health and Wellness

How To Lose Belly Fat, Fast!

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat, Overnight!

Stomach fat is the most stubborn, isn’t it? I am on a mission to find a good stomach workout and fitness plan that I actually stick to. But staying motivated is the hard part. I always go in motivated, start to see some results and then fall back to my bad old habits of eating junk food and not being very active. So, in the post I’ll share some tips to stay motivated, learn how to lose stomach fat and be healthy!

I started researching some of the best ways to lose stubborn stomach fat, for good! Accountability is the biggest factor in sticking to a new healthy habit. If I spend money on it and I write about it, I think I’ll be more likely to stick with it. I’m also excited to start thriving this week! What’s that? It’s wearable nutrition and supplements that work to speed up the metabolism, boost your energy, burn fat and make you feel amazing!

Here is my new post about Thrive- Does Thrive Really Work?

Stomach fat can be the most difficult place on your body to get rid of. It’s also very dangerous! (source)

Looking cute in a bathing suit isn’t the only reason to be concerned about belly fat. Packing on excess pounds around your middle raises your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. That’s especially true when your ‘spare tire’ comes along with visceral fat that surrounds your heart and other organs.

However, you can reduce this unhealthy fat with simple lifestyle changes. There are ways to eat and exercise for a flatter stomach and longer life!

How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight: Intermittent Fasting!

One simple lifestyle change that has helped me lose belly fat, overnight, is intermittent fasting. I choose to do the 16:8 intermittent fasting method, which means I eat for 8 hours a day and fast for 16. It has helped me lose the stubborn belly fat, overnight, and keep it off.

How To Lose Belly Fat: Diet

How To Lose Stomach Fat: Increase your fibre

In addition to lowering visceral fat, a high-fiber diet has many health benefits, including helping you to control blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and lose weight. Current guidelines recommend about 25 grams a day for women and 38 for men. An easy way to get more fiber is to eat more plant products. Or take a supplement to make sure you get enough!

How To Lose Belly Fat: Focus on whole foods

In fact, consuming more fruits and vegetables is one of the most important changes you can make to your diet. Aim for 5 or more servings a day. It’s so simple to do and it works, yet many of us don’t bother to do this one simple, life-changing thing!

How To Lose Stomach Fat: Spread out your protein.

There is some evidence that a diet rich in protein can protect against insulin resistance and belly fat. Try to get 30% of your calories from lean proteins like fish, beans, Greek yogurt, and other low-fat dairy products. Plus, your body can digest protein more effectively if you consume it throughout the day instead of saving it for dinner.

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast: Choose healthy fats.

Saturated fat may increase visceral fat, so take it easy with processed meats and butter. Switch to nuts, seeds, salmon, and olive oil.

How To Lose Belly Fat: Limit artificial sweeteners.

Using zero-calorie sweeteners to lose weight can backfire. Studies show that they interfere with your metabolism and cause you to accumulate more fat. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruit and dark chocolate instead.

How To Lose Stubborn Belly Fat: Enjoy vinegar.

If you love acidic flavors, you’re in luck. There’s a reason why people are popping Apple cider vinegar and it’s not for the taste. Vinegar has been shown to stimulate metabolism and burn up visceral fat. It can also make just about any food more delicious, so add it to fruit and vegetables salads, poultry dishes, and more.

Lose weight. You probably know that spot reduction is a myth, so you’ll need to slim down if you’re overweight. Keep in mind that you can have too much visceral fat even if you’re thin, so measure your waistline to be sure it’s under 35 inches for women, and 40 inches for men. Easier said than done though, right? Well, not actually- eat less, and burn more calories = weight loss!

How To Lose Belly Fat Overnight: Intermittent fasting.

If you’ve never heard of intermittent fasting, the most common version and the one I currently use is the 18/6 where you don’t eat anything for 18 hours and then you eat for 6 hours. You can read more about it here- The benefits of intermittent fasting

Exercising to Reduce Belly Fat:

Pump up your heart. Cardiovascular activity like jogging and swimming will reduce body fat. Stick to a regular schedule with at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week.

Build your muscles. Resistance training changes your body composition so you replace fat with muscle. You can lift weights or do pushups and other body weight exercises.

Try interval training. Gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts will also help to torch more calories. Alternate short bursts of hard work with gentler exercises and brief rest periods.

Lose Your Stomach Fat Fast With This Workout

I love this quick stomach workout. IT IS INTENSE, but it really works and fast!

Other Tips to Reduce Belly Fat:

  1. Sleep well. A consistent sleep schedule with about 8 hours of sleep can help you stay trim. On the other hand, too little or too much time lying down can increase body fat levels.
  2. Manage stress. Tension can trigger hormones like cortisol that encourage fat storage. Learn to relax with deep breathing or meditation.
  3. Adjust for aging. As you grow older, your metabolism slows down and your body tends to accumulate more fat around your waist, especially when you factor in the hormonal changes associated with menopause. Still, you can slow down the process with diet, exercise, and other natural methods.

Wrapping Up: How To Lose Belly Fat

Protect yourself from the dangerous effects of a chubby stomach. Staying active and eating a nutritious diet will help you to stay slim, strong and healthy! Try these tips to learn how to lose belly fat, for good!

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


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