Self Care

How To Cheer Yourself Up

How To Cheer Yourself Up Fast: 7 Powerful Ways

Maybe you woke up in a bad mood, or you just had a terrible day and you’re feeling down. We all have days when we feel down, but there are some simple tips on how to cheer yourself up!

Need a little beauty pick me up? Check out how to be pretty. Sometimes all your need is a little confidence boost. These self love affirmations can help boost your self esteem.

Also check out my self care Sunday ideas and gift guide for people with anxiety!

Do you self sabotage your own happiness? many of us do this without even realizing it. Here are some easy, free ways to cheer up when you’re feeling down:)

Related post:

This is just a quick and simple little post to help you feel better:) So, I’ll get right to it:

How To Cheer Yourself Up Fast

Affirmations To Cheer Yourself Up

Read positive affirmations. Feeding your mind with positivity can immediately change how you feel. Try it with these confidence affirmations for self esteem, morning affirmations and self love affirmations!

How To Cheer Yourself Up: Self Care

Practice self care. Self care is more than bubble baths and face masks. It’s about taking care of your overall mental, emotional and physical health. Check out these self care ideas:

emotional self care

self care day for mental health

spiritual self care

self care checklist

How To Cheer Yourself Up: Do Something For Someone Else

Do something nice for someone else. Doing something nice for someone else instantly makes you feel better about yourself. It feels good to do good so share the love! Here are some random acts of kindness ideas to get you started.

Get Outside To Cheer Yourself Up

Get outside. Getting out and enjoying nature is a great way to ground yourself mentally and emotionally when you’re feeling down. Read more about the connection between nature and your mental health!

Snuggle Up To Cheer Yourself Up

Snuggle up with a pet or a loved one. Snuggles help your body produce the feel good hormones like endorphins! Don’t have a pet to snuggle? Snuggle your child, your boyfriend or even your pillow:)

How To Cheer Yourself Up: Phone A Friend

Talk to a friend or family member you love! Sometimes all you need is a good conversation with a loved one. Give your mom a call just to say hi. Or, call up an old friend you haven’t talked to in a while.

How To Cheer Yourself Up: Pamper Yourself

Pamper yourself. A bubble bath can do wonders for relaxing a stressed out mind. Add some hot water, soothing bubbles and some essential oils to the tub and allow yourself to unwind.

Meditation To Cheer Up!

Meditate. This is my favourite way to feel good. Meditation allows you to release whatever is bothering you and just be in the moment. It helps you to be more mindful and present. Check out – creative ways to meditate and how mindful living can help you enjoy every moment.

Just know it’s normal to have bad days! They pass. Practice simple ways to cheer yourself up when you feel down, to help end a bad day fast!

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


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  3. […] tips are great ways to cheer yourself up fast when you’re feeling down. One really amazing self care idea is journaling- it’s relaxing […]

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  5. […] statements that can help to change your thinking and improve your outlook on life. They can cheer you up when you’re feeling […]

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