Manifestation and Law of Attraction

How To Write Manifestations (6 Steps To Attract The Life Of Your Dreams)

How To Write Manifestations To Attract What You Want

Did you know you should be writing your manifestations in present tense to make them more powerful?

We’ll get into that in a second, but first let’s look at what manifesting is and how it really works. It’s a way of attracting what you want into your life through your body’s vibrations energy. When you write your own manifestations down in a journal or on paper, you are putting your desires and intentions out there into the universe and attracting it back because you get into alignment during the process. Place some manifesting crystals near your paper to super-charge the process. And if you use these methods in a full moon manifestation ritual, you can attract what you want-over night! Yes, it’s that powerful!

Writing your manifestations also helps you become clearer and more intentional in your desires. In this blog post, we will discuss how manifesting really works and 6 simple steps that will help you write your own manifestations so you can start attracting the life you are meant to live.

There are several techniques for writing manifestations such as scripting and journaling. You can even write a simple manifestation list or manifestation box.

But first, what is manifesting? It is a way of using your vibrational energy to attract what you want! Is it bad or a sin? Manifesting isn’t a sin in my opinion, as long as you are using it for good. If you’re manifesting a person to be obsessed with you, but if you’re using witchcraft then it might be considered a sin.

How to write manifestations

When Should You Write Manifestations?

I like to start my day writing my manifestations down- in the present tense. This helps me get into alignment with what I want to attract during the day and sets the tone for the day ahead.

Manifestation not working? Make sure to focus on feeling good and excited in order to attract good and exciting things! Try creating a manifestation board and putting it up somewhere you’ll see it every day! Keep a few crystals for manifesting near you and try meditating to raise your vibe.

And be aware of you surroundings as the universe is always sending signals. Like these angel numbers for money– if you’re seeing them, it is time to manifest money!

Related post:

What To Write When Manifesting

Write down what you want to manifest, but make sure to write it in present tense. For example, if you want to manifest a job– “I’m so excited for my new position at work.” Or if you want to manifest friends try “I love spending time with my new friends.”

Looking for things to manifest? Here are some ideas: manifest a soulmate, a manifest someone to text you, weight loss, or you can even manifest a specific person like your crush to like you back!

When writing manifestations, it’s important to write in present tense and to express gratitude. This puts you in alignment with what you want to attract.

6 Steps To Write Manifestations!

6 steps to write manifestations that work

1. Get Clear On What You Want

The first step is to get clear on what you want. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is important to take the time to really think about what it is that you desire. What are your goals? What are your dreams? What does your ideal life look like? Once you have a good understanding of what it is that you want, the next step is to get specific.

2. Be Very Specific About What You Are Manifesting

The second step is to get specific about what it is that you want. Once you have a good understanding of what it is that you desire, start getting specific about the details. How much money do you want to make? What kind of job would you like to have? What are the specific things you would like to have in your life? The more specific you can be, the better.

3. Allow Yourself To Feel What You Are Manifesting

The third step is to get emotional about what you want. This may seem a little bit counterintuitive, but it is important to connect with your emotions when writing your manifestations. When you feel good about what you want, it will be easier for the universe to deliver it to you. So, take some time to really feel good about what you want.

Write Your Manifestations In Present Tense

The fourth step is to write your manifestations in the present tense. This may seem a little bit strange at first, but it is important to do this in order to connect with the energy of what you want. When you write your manifestations in the present tense, it will help you to focus on the positive aspects of what you want. For example, instead of writing “I want a new car,” try writing “I am driving my new car.” Or “I am so thankful for my $2 an hour raise.”

5. Be Realistic

The fifth step is to make sure that your manifestations are realistic. This doesn’t mean that you have to be limited in what you want, but it is important to stay grounded in reality. Remember that the universe works with energy and vibration, so try to keep your manifestations in line with those things. If your manifestations are too far out of reach and you know it, you won’t receive it.

6. Trust The Manifestation Process

The sixth and final step is to trust the process. When you write your own manifestions, remember to trust the process. The universe will work with you to help you achieve your goals, but only if you are willing to let it happen. So, relax and enjoy the journey!

Be sure to pay attention to the signs you’re on the right path.

Related post:

What Makes Writing Manifestations So Powerful?

When you follow the simple steps above and take the time to write out your manifestations, you are opening yourself up to limitless possibilities. But there are a few things you can do to make your manifestations even more powerful.

Here are a few tips:

-Visualize what you want: When you write your manifestations, be sure to include as many details as possible. But it is also helpful to close your eyes and visualize what you want. The more vividly you can imagine what you want, the better. Do you want to manifest a new job? Imagine having that job already.

-Feel the emotions of what you want: As we mentioned before, it is important to connect with your emotions when writing your manifestations. So, take some time to feel good about what you want.

-Acknowledge your progress: When you achieve something that you have written down as one of your manifestations, take the time to acknowledge and celebrate your success! This will help to keep you motivated and on track.

-Keep it positive: Remember to stay positive when writing your manifestions. The universe responds to energy and vibration, so the more positive you can keep your manifestations, the better.

Wrapping Up How To Write Manifestations

By following these simple tips, you can write powerful manifestions that will help you to create the life of your dreams! So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!

To learn more about manifesting, we suggest signing up for our posts below and following our favourite spiritual leaders: Deepak Chopra and Gabrielle Bernstein.

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


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  6. […] you need to write down your manifestation, in the present tense as if it has already happened. This is called scripting and it is a powerful […]

  7. […] Scripting is a powerful manifestation technique that allows you to write out your deepest desires and manifest them into reality. It’s basically writing your manifestations. […]

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  11. […] Write your manifestations, in present tense. […]

  12. […] How To Write Manifestations (6 Steps To Attract The Life Of Your Dreams) – Steph Social says: Posted on March 18, 2022 at 9:56 pm Reply […]

  13. […] you write in a manifestation journal what you want to attract, but you write it in present tense. Writing your manifestations helps to affirm them to you and to the universe. Not into journaling? Make a manifestation list […]

  14. […] A tip to get into alignment is to try scripting for manifesting. This is technique that involves a manifestation journal but you write out your desires in present tense. There’s incredible power in writing your manifestations. […]

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  17. […] manifesting, which details what is manifesting and how it can change your life! I also teach people how to manifest something by writing it down! I’ve helped people manifest good grades, health and […]

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