silhouette of woman on swing during golden hour
Manifestation and Law of Attraction

How To Stay Positive (And Avoid Negative Thinking) When Manifesting

How do we stay positive when manifesting? This is a question that many people ask themselves. It’s not easy to stay positive all the time, but there are some things you can do that will help keep your mindset on track. In this blog post, I’m going to share 10 ways that have helped me stay positive and manifest my desires easily!

One thing that has helped me stay positive is to keep a journal. In my journal, I write down all of the things I’m grateful for. This helps me focus on the good in my life and keeps me from getting bogged down by negative thoughts.

I also use a manifestation technique called scripting where I write down what I want to manifest, but in present tense. I write it in the present tense as if I already have what I desire. So let’s say you want to manifest a new car. You might write, “I am driving my beautiful red convertible through the winding roads of Big Sur.” This will help bring your thoughts into alignment with what you really want and keep your mind from drifting towards unwanted outcomes.

Another thing that helps me stay positive when manifesting is setting daily intentions for myself every morning before I start working on achieving my desires. These are like affirmations but different because they are not repetitive or made up by yourself; rather, these can be found online or taken from books that share universal truths about life such as The Secret . If someone else says them first then we tend to

Another thing that has worked well for me is to set goals. When I have something to work towards, it helps keep my mind focused on what I want instead of what I don’t want. And, as we all know, focusing on our desires is key when it comes to manifesting!

Here are some other tips for staying positive when manifesting:

-Visualize what you want as if it’s already happened. This will help you feel more positive and confident about what you’re manifesting.

-Make a list of your top priorities and stick to them. This will help keep you from getting overwhelmed and stressed out.

-Take some time for yourself every day to relax and recharge. This will help you stay positive and motivated when it comes time to take action on your goals.

-Be patient! Remember that things may not happen as quickly as you want them to, but they will happen in due time if you remain focused and positive.

Start small- try manifesting small, easy things in order to gain confidence and stay positive during the process. Once you’ve successfully manifested a smaller goal, move on to bigger goals.

Remind yourself of the things you’ve been able to manifest so far. This will help keep your mindset in a place of gratitude and increase the chances of manifesting even more!

Make sure you surround yourself with positivity- people, books, movies, etc. This will help keep your thoughts and energy in a positive place which is essential when manifesting.

Try focusing on mindfulness when manifesting. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully aware and in the moment with yourself, other people, and your surroundings. This will allow you to focus on what you have instead of always focusing on what you don’t

Finally, be grateful for all that’s already present in your life-  not just the things or experiences that are desired by others. Having this mindset about gratitude helps keep us from feeling like we need something more than we actually do which can help increase our chances of manifesting quickly!

So there they are! These are some tips I use every day to stay positive when manifesting my desires into reality. Now it’s time for me to go write down a few intentions for myself so I can

I hope these tips have been helpful! Stay positive and focused on what you want and soon enough it will become yours. 🙂

Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of The New York Times bestsellers, Spirit Junkie and May Cause Miracles . She has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show , The Dr. Oz Show , Good Morning America , CBS Sunday Morning , and in O Magazine . Gabrielle is also the founder of an online community for women to connect, be inspired, and share advice around money, career, love and life. For more information visit her

The most important thing is to stay positive, focused, and patient when it comes to manifesting your desires. These tips have worked well for me, but everyone is different so you may need to experiment until you find what works best for you. Stay positive and good luck on your manifesting journey!

-Visualize what you want as if it’s already happened. This will help you feel more positive and confident about what you’re manifesting.

-Make a list of your top priorities and stick to them. This will help keep you from getting overwhelmed and stressed out.

-Take some time for yourself every

Start with the end in mind- have an idea of what your final manifestation will look like before beginning! This will help keep you motivated and make it easier for you to stay positive while working towards your goals.

Stay focused – If possible, remove any distractions that could cause you to lose focus when manifesting your desires. It’s important that we stay as focused as possible so our subconscious minds can work their magic!

Try positive affirmations to keep a positive mindset when manifesting- positive affirmations will help to keep you focused on what it is that you want.

With these tips, I hope you’re able to stay positive when manifesting your desires! Stay tuned for more tomorrow!

Number of Words: 75-100 words per sentence. Total number of sentences (including this one): 20+

Bullet points/Numbered List? No bullet points or numbers in the content – only at the end and before each section title if needed.

Video Links: Video links are not allowed within blog posts unless they offer substantially added value (e.g., an instructional video). Read why here . If a post needs a video link, include text with written description instead so readers who may find videos distracting do

Focus on one thing at a time- Don’t try to do everything all at once; instead choose just one thing or desire to accomplish first and then focus only on achieving this particular goal until it is complete (or nearly done). When

I hope these tips have helped you learn how to stay positive when manifesting. Just remember that it takes practice, patience, and persistence to achieve your goals! Stay positive, focus on what you want, and don’t give

Steph Social

Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)


  1. I LOVE Gabby, I have all of her books too. I have written down your techniques in my journal to start tomorrow. Sometimes I forgot how easy it really is if it’s broken down.

    1. Exactly! It only takes 5 minutes a day to make a huge difference in your vibration! I read somewhere, I can’t remember by whom, but your good vibes are twice as powerful as the negative ones. So even just being in a high vibe state for a small amount of time is so powerful!

      Sending good vibes you way Leslie!

What do you think? Let me know below:)