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10 Video Marketing Tips to Boost Your Sales

Video content has gained popularity over the years. According to a recent survey, a staggering 91% of customers are excited to see more online video content from brands. In view of the current competitiveness of the business landscape, you are not alone if you are considering using video to boost your sales. It is, therefore, vital to learn everything you need, including the right tools to improve your video marketing. Below are ten top video marketing tips that you should know.

Know your target audience

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    Before you hit “record” on your next video, take a moment to understand who you’re talking to. It’s like speaking a different language if you don’t know your audience. That’s why the customer persona is your best friend. These handy profiles tell you everything you need to know. That includes where your ideal customer hangs out online, what their pain points are, and what they’re hoping to achieve. Once you have got that nailed down, you can craft videos that reinforce your brand, turning views into fans and, hopefully, paying customers.

    Personalize your video ads 

      Personalization can be your secret to boosting your sales via video marketing. Imagine showing your viewers content that speaks directly to their interests or problems instead of a boring one-size-fits-all message. It’s like the difference between a mass email and a handwritten note. Think of Facebook’s “Faceversary” videos – using data to create personal, heartwarming memories that strengthen their connection with users. You can do the same by integrating customer data into video templates but keep it genuine. Remember to focus on content that resonates with your ideal customer’s passion, interests, or challenges. They’ll feel seen, heard, and way more likely to hit “buy” when the time comes. 

      Make your ads relevant 

        Suppose you’re watching your favorite show about space travel, and from nowhere, a lawn mower commercial appears on the screen. That can feel irrelevant and misplaced as it may have nothing to do with what you’re watching. For starters, no one likes intrusive ads, especially ones that have nothing to do with what they’re watching. The key is relevance. Match your video ads to the right audience and content. Think of it as a friendly “hey there” instead of an annoying interruption. When your ads appear at the right time and place, they feel less like annoying pop-ups and more like helpful suggestions. Some advertisers even create different versions of the same ad to seamlessly blend in with the surrounding content. 

        Optimize for mobile 

          In today’s mobile-first world, optimizing your video ads for smartphones is a must. Think about it: around 38.04% of website visits in Canada are from smartphones. That’s half the internet traffic you don’t want to miss out on. For this reason, you want to make sure your message fits those tiny screens. It would be best to ditch the autoplay feature, get creative with visuals, go vertical, and mind the size to make sure all the text and graphics are big enough to see without zooming in. By following these tips, you’ll create mobile-friendly video ads that grab attention and keep viewers engaged, even on the go. Remember, a happy mobile viewer is a potential customer waiting to happen. 

          Get professional assistance

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            With the right tips, skills, and tools, you can go the DIY route with your videos. However, if you want to do something truly impressive, consider getting professional help. For stuff like voice acting, animation, or editing, consider outsourcing to a professional. Now, while building a full-time video production team might not be realistic for most small businesses, investing in your team and the right equipment can be worthwhile. It is particularly so when you need somebody who knows your brand, people, and products inside and out. It may require investing in a few hardware, software and training. Meanwhile, you can check out brands like DJI if you are a real estate, tourism, event, or travel business that needs a drone to enhance your video marketing. 

            Capture attention immediately 

              In today’s content overload, grabbing attention in your video ads is key. You’re competing with a million other things, so you have to hook viewers in less than 8 seconds, or they’ll swipe left faster than you can say “play.” You can capture attention immediately by telling a story, featuring a relatable influencer, or starting your ad with a question or statement that piques their interest. Sure, visuals are great, but it would help if you address a common problem they face, and they’ll be more likely to listen. 

              Use storytelling 

                There has been so much talk about integrating storytelling in video marketing. But how do you go about it? Well, you can take inspiration from big brands like Apple and Nike. They don’t just shove features down your throat; they take you on a journey. Remember Apple’s “Now all you need is iPhone” video? They show people using Fitness+ to work out, subtly highlighting the product without ever outright saying “buy this.” Nike’s “Cosmic Unity 2” video does the same thing. They let the designers tell the story behind the shoe, showcasing its features naturally through interviews and gameplay clips. It’s all about connecting with your audience on an emotional level, and stories do that way better than boring feature lists. 

                Be genuine 

                  Fancy, staged commercials used to sell so much in past years, but not anymore. Today’s viewers crave authenticity, and raw, genuine videos are the new gold standard. Think of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Stories – it’s all about real people, real moments, no makeup required. Now, super polished content still has its place, depending on your brand, but including a touch of “behind the scenes” can go a long way. Showcasing real customers in your ads is another great way to build trust and connection with your audience. Keep in mind that people connect with people, so prioritize authenticity and embrace the real.

                  Don’t skip testing 

                    Don’t just post your videos out there and hope for the best. You can take things a step further by testing. If you’re not getting the results you crave, don’t panic. Tweak your ads by changing the call to action (CTA) or try different platforms. Similar to making your ads relevant, you may create multiple versions to see which one hits home for your audience. Experimentation is key to finding the perfect formula for video marketing success. Research by Survey Monkey also adds that measuring the effectiveness of your ads via testing allows you to back your decision with data. After all, hard numbers don’t lie, and if you can demonstrate that your video content is the best, it shouldn’t be hard to persuade people. 

                    Include a CTA

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                      It is great to tell your story, but you don’t want to end without telling your target audience what to do next. Every video needs a clear call-to-action (CTA), like a friendly nudge in the right direction. This “next step” depends on where they are in their buying journey. New viewers might be directed to learn more with additional content or subscribe for updates. For those closer to buying, offer demos, product guides, or even comparisons. A strong CTA is like the “happily ever after” of your video story, as it leaves viewers wanting more and feeling confident about taking the next step towards becoming your customer. 

                      Today’s customers prefer to watch engaging video content about a brand’s products and services instead of scrolling through long text. Since video has proven to be a popular content type, it would be best to keep the above tips in mind when you want to leverage video marketing to boost your small business engagement and sales. 

                      Steph Social

                      Steph is a spiritual writer from Canada. She is a former journalist and magazine writer, who later went on to study the spiritual side of life. She shares her knowledge of manifesting and the law of attraction to help others change their lives through affirmations, angel numbers and numerology, self care, journaling, meditation and intentional living! Also- an INFJ, Reflector and empath so you'll find a lot of personality type stuff here too:)

                      What do you think? Let me know below:)